Four Easy Changes to Teach Your Kids Healthy Eating Habits for Life

I happily declare 2018 to be the YEAR of Happy Healthy Eating for Kids! I want to show you how healthy eating can be fun and easy. I want to show you how you can build simple and fun habits into your family routine that will add up to lasting healthy eating habits.

Changing Your Family Eating Habits

The thing about habits is that once you’re in a habit, it’s really easy to stay there. No matter whether the habit is a good one or a bad one, you simply do things out of habit, without paying any attention to what you’re doing.

In contrast, changing habits can be challenging because we do need to really focus on what we’re doing until we’ve done it so many times that we stop thinking about it and just do it.

Healthy eating habits are just the same!

We want to change all those “not great habits” into “healthy and happy eating habits”.

Sound too difficult?

Don’t worry! I’m here to help.

Start By Making A Small Healthy Eating Change

You’re more likely to stick to doing something if you have a realistic and small change. If you make it too big, you’ll just give up when the going gets tough.

Think of it like this…

I have kids who don’t like to tidy up. Instead of getting them to tidy the whole house every day, I focus on one small thing that they can do.

They can make their bed.

When we’ve mastered that, we can move to hanging up their coat when they walk in the door.

We can apply the same idea to healthy eating habits.

Find a Small Change You can Stick to.

I want you to think of one small thing that you can do on a regular basis.

Let’s start simple by offering your kids more fruit and vegetables.

Don’t worry if they don’t eat them. You still need to offer them. Remember not to pressure them to eat them.

This is just an invitation. If they don’t want, it don’t worry, just try again another day.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

  1. Place a bowl of chopped fresh fruit on the breakfast table.
  2. Offer stewed fruit at breakfast. (You’ll need to cook it up the night before, and then you can just pull it out of the fridge in the morning.)
  3. Offer chopped up vegetable sticks at lunch time.
  4. Offer one more type of vegetables that you normally do at your evening meal.

Small Healthy Eating Changes Add Up

I know it feels like not much but small changes can really add up to create healthy eating habits.

Don’t focus on where you need to get to. Focus on this small step.

Keep Going

Remember that if you don’t manage it one day, it doesn’t matter. Don’t give up and decide that it’s not worth it.

You don’t have to be perfect!

If you forget or don’t get around to it one day, forgive yourself and try again the next day.

Get A Community Around You

Statistics say you're 80% more likely to succeed with a community around you!

Make sure you’re signed up to the Happy Healthy Eating for Kids Challenge and then come and join the “Happy Healthy Eating for Kids Challenge FB Group” for support.

After you’ve introduced yourself, write down your goals.

What one small thing are you going to do? How often are you going to do it?

Have Fun

Remember to have fun teaching your kids happy and healthy eating habits and you’ll see them grow up into healthy adults who love healthy foods.

Pins For Later.

4 Easy Changes that You can make to help your kids love healthy foods. Sign up for the easy and fun Happy Healthy Eating for Kids Challenge. #toddler #fussyeater #fussytoddler #toddlerwon'teat #pickyeater #parenting #positiveparenting.

4 Easy Changes that You can make to help your kids love healthy foods. Sign up for the easy and fun Happy Healthy Eating for Kids Challenge. #toddler #fussyeater #fussytoddler #toddlerwon'teat #pickyeater #parenting #positiveparenting.

4 Easy Changes that You can make to help your kids love healthy foods. Sign up for the easy and fun Happy Healthy Eating for Kids Challenge. #toddler #fussyeater #fussytoddler #toddlerwon'teat #pickyeater #parenting #positiveparenting.


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